Monday, November 2, 2009

Pictures of Our Wedding

My wife and I are trying to get into the 21st century by having are photos digitized to images. We were married in 1995, and our honeymoon was in Florida (Walt Disney World – I know – everybody was doing it at the time). Anyway, we took a camera along and took pictures of each other and of Walt Disney World. When we got back from our honeymoon, we got the pictures developed – and our pictures sat in an album for years.

Recently, my wife suggested that we should take our pictures to a PHOTO SCANNING SERVICE that would CONVERT PHOTOS TO CD and we could display them on our laptop or desktop. I was hesitant – we had a lot of pictures, and thought prices would be high – but my wife kept on insisting, so I checked into it.

One of the first companies I saw was and saw their prices. They were only 39 cents per scan at 600 dpi (dots per inch). So I decided to go with the company, packed up my pictures with my order form, and shipped it off to the company. Short time later I received my CDs with the pictures on them.

I sat back with my wife and looked at our pictures. They were high quality on our computer. The pictures that were scratched a little – they went ahead and repaired it and looked as good as new. Actually, they looked like they were taken yesterday. The only disappointment was not with the scanning company we took it to, but it showed us being very young. Reality set in knowing that I was growing older. I quickly got over it when we flipped through the pictures we took years ago, allowing the renewed memories of our honeymoon come back. I’m glad we had the PHOTOS DIGITIZED.

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